Organizations seeking a grant from the Antone and Marie Raymus Foundation are requested to supply the information called for in the online form.  

The Antone and Marie Raymus Foundation’s objective is to advance educational, religious, scientific and charitable purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations within the meaning of Section 501(C) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  

Presently, the Foundation limits its support to qualified organizations located exclusively in San Joaquin County and Stanislaus County. An organization may be located outside of either County so as long as the funding would be used to help people exclusively in San Joaquin County or Stanislaus County.  

Please furnish an answer to each question. Omission of any requested information or material must be explained.  

The Foundation operates on an annual schedule that follows as such: (Jan 1st-Feb 28th)Grant application acceptance window, (Mar 1st-Aug 31st) Grant application review and Raymus Foundation Board deliberation, (Sep 1st-Sep 5th) Grant funding released to approved applicants, (Sep 1st- Feb 28th) Grantees must expend full grant funding and provide a detailed financial report (in a format of their choosing) to the Foundation Director via physical mail to our offices or digitally through the “Grant Reporting” tab on our website to fulfill their legal obligation to the Raymus Foundation. These dates are subject to change at the behest of the Raymus Foundation; grantees will be notified in such instances.

It is important that all questions be answered as fully as possible. To assist there follows a further item-by-item explanation of the response expected under each question. The Foundation receives many applications. While the Foundation may conduct its own independent investigation and review, the principal means of determining whether your organization will be considered for a grant is by the application you submit. If your application is not completed, your request will not be considered. 

In addition to the information requested on the online form, please also attached the following required information.  

If this information is not provided, your request will not be considered.  

  1. Copy of Internal Revenue Service 501 (C) 3 exemption letter.  
  2. Last year’s actual profit and loss statements. 
  3. This year’s current proposed budget. 
  4. List of Board of Directors or other governing body or organization. 





Grant applications for the 2025 grant cycle are now closed. Funding decisions will be made in August. You may apply for 2026 grant cycle beginning in January. Please contact us with any questions.

Antone and Marie Raymus Foundation
544 E Yosemite Avenue, Manteca, CA 95336 | (209) 823-3148